Increased potency in men after age 50: a doctor's advice

Mature man with increased potency

"Oh, we should have erections like this! " Dominoes sighed, looking at the pieces. Ashot Nadanyan.

A man wants to be a winner at everything and keep any of his weaknesses secret, even if they are health issues. Particularly difficult is the issue of male empowerment after 50 years: admitting one's own imperfection is difficult, but the sooner you admit it, the more likely you are to find a good remedy and fix it at home. What if I don't take medicine? When to see a doctor?

Official medicine tends to believe that men over 40, 50 or even 60 should not always suffer from erectile dysfunction or decreased sex life if fluctuations in sex hormones during menopause in women lead to decreased libido and a general deterioration in sex life. desire. If a man is facing the question of how to increase potency at 50, before taking the pill, you need to find out why it decreased, because the problem is not only about age.

Effectiveness in adulthood

Everyone wants to feel empowered and sexually energetic in old age. However, despite this subconscious desire, we are still convinced that after the age of 50-60, we will have to say goodbye to the sexual aspects of our lives. We are convinced that 50 years from now, a person's health must have left much to be desired and is inexorably declining. But is it?

Never think in patterns! Make sure your strength stays with you in your later years, and maintain that indescribable feeling of health and vitality that is characteristic of young people. Of course, follow the tips below. We'll discuss all the ways to improve the effectiveness of a physician's practice.

Why do men's potency decline after 50 years?

There are many factors here, and unfortunately, it is not always possible to exclude all factors. Doctors identify external and internal causes of decreased libido. These reasons lead to deterioration of metabolism. As a result, male potency is rapidly declining after 50 years.

External causes of decreased potency

A sedentary lifestyle. If you're in a sedentary occupation and you're forced to spend most of your workday in a chair, it's no surprise that blood circulation to your pelvic organs can quickly get disrupted. Poor circulation can lead to lack of oxygen and degeneration of the prostate and testicles. Increasing potency in men after 50 years is more difficult than decreasing potency.

Alcoholism and smoking. Probably no comment needed here, as everyone knows how destructive nicotine and alcohol are to male power. If nicotine works slowly, alcohol, if abused, can quickly damage your male health.

Lack of exercise can also lead to excess weight, which can stress and displace the organs of the urogenital system. As a result, in addition to potency, general well-being is also affected. pressure. "All diseases arise from the nerves" - this is true. Ongoing stress and mental stress can negatively affect visceral and back conditions. Due to the altered psychological state of men, libido disappears, and rare sexual encounters do not save the situation. As a result, blood circulation to the pelvic organs is disturbed. Muscle frame. As we age, it loses strength, giving way to muscle weakness, which can lead to sexual failure. It's important to live an active lifestyle and engage in physical activity.

Internal causes of decreased potency

Internal causes of decreased potency include problems with body organs and systems. First, these include inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, which many people develop even at a young age without proper treatment because they occur in a chronic form. Over time, the prostate begins to have extremely deleterious effects on fragile well-being such as potency. In men after age 50, it is more difficult to treat than in younger years.

In addition, men are concerned about increased stress, hormonal disturbances and worsening metabolism. The latter is usually the result of diabetes. Diabetes can lead to many complications, including decreased testosterone levels. In this case, it is necessary to contact an experienced endocrinologist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment. attention! Spinal hernias can lead to impaired potency. Of course, if you notice your sexual function is declining, talk to your doctor and determine the cause. This will help you return to an active sex life more quickly.

How to improve potency? doctor's advice

Remember some simple rules that you must strictly follow.

  • Move more and be outdoors more. Doctors recommend choosing outdoor exercises that improve blood circulation to the pelvic organs.
  • Smoking less, if possible, and giving up this harmful passion altogether.
  • Do not abuse alcohol. It lowers testosterone.
  • Pay attention to your weight.
  • Avoid high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • Do not take anabolic drugs. They can cause impotence even at a young age.
  • Avoid stress. You can't escape stress, but you can learn to abstract from it.

By following these points, you will maintain adequate testosterone levels and problems that reduce potency will not affect you. In addition, there are several other ways to increase potency in men after taking 50 medications, exercise, and prostate massage. Let's consider these points in more detail.

Contrast bath potency

If your potency declines after age 50, try a contrast bath. It improves blood flow to the genitals by exposure to cold and hot water. Take 2 bowls and fill each bowl with water. One is cold and the other is hot. First, sit in hot water, stay in it for half a minute, then transfer to cold water. Repeat this process for about a quarter of an hour.

Eat and increase libido along the way

It's no secret that certain products increase potency in men after age 50). These products include:

  • Seafood as a source of zinc. In general, it is recommended to eat more protein foods - eggs, meat, cheese.
  • beans.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Herbs, especially celery and parsley.
  • A natural unrefined oil that can be used to flavor salads. Can be olive oil, sesame oil, flaxseed oil, etc.

Try to focus on these foods and eat some of them every day. You will notice the results quickly.

Several folk recipes

In addition, TCM practitioners recommend trying the following recipes that can help improve general health, especially prostate health.

Honey and Nuts. Mix chopped walnuts and honey in equal proportions. Eat this mixture for a month, 2 tsp. Half an hour after a meal. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Red wine and dried fruit. Take 100 grams of dried apricots, prunes and raisins, add sugar (1 tablespoon) and sprinkle with cinnamon, cardamom and cloves to taste. Pour the composition into the red wine, uncover the lid, and cook over low heat for about half an hour. Then the same time - the lid is closed. Syrup should be consumed in 1 tablespoon. l. 3 revolutions/day. However, there is a more "chemical" way to increase potency.

Preparing for increased effectiveness

Currently, a large number of drugs are already on the market, and these drugs are rapidly increasing their potency. The mechanism of action of these drugs is based on vasodilation. This causes blood flow to the penis and stabilizes the erection. However, they have a range of side effects. Basically, the side effect is a massive influx of blood and other organs and tissues, which adversely affects their work. Therefore, taking this medicine can cause ringing in the ears and headache, nasal congestion, and respiratory failure.

Massage and Potency Enhancement

In addition to the above methods, how to increase potency in men after age 50? Of course massage! But massage massage is different. Relaxing family massage. To do this, you may need the help of your beloved woman. Ask him to massage your feet and calves - this will relieve stress, help you relax, and arouse you sexually due to the effects on certain areas. These treasures (3 in total) are located at:

  • at the base of the thumb;
  • on the arch of the foot;
  • Between the little toe and the heel, on the outside of the foot.

In addition, there are numerous biologically active points on the back and abdomen. To do this, it's best to contact a professional massage therapist who will reboot the body (not just the genitals) for a full recovery. Massage can relieve stress and help replenish the energy needed for life. Women noticed that their men became more successful after massage. That said, not only do chemical methods improve potency in men after age 50, but safety methods like massage can also help. Doctors also recommend prostate massage from time to time. It is recommended to work with specialists at the medical center. Prostate massage is a great way to prevent impotence, but in the case of prostatitis, it can be helpful, although doctors actively recommend it to patients. If you have prostatitis, so as not to develop impotence, treat it from the inside, boost the immune system and destroy its pathogens.

exercises to improve performance

Exercises for men with reduced potency after age 50 aimed at improving blood supply to the pelvic organs.

important! The exercises must be done regularly or they will lose their effectiveness. On average, within a month, you will notice results. However, it will last longer than with stronger medicines.

  • Limbs stretch. Kneel down with your back straight and your arms outstretched. Then slowly sit down with your hips on your calves and your face flat on the floor. Extend your hands forward.
  • Stand up straight, inhale and contract strong muscles. Wait a few seconds, then slowly relax as you exhale.
  • Do a squat, tightening your hips and holding the final position for a few seconds before squatting. Extend your hands forward.
  • Lie down with your hands behind your head, inhale, and lift your legs to a vertical position, drawing a circle clockwise (2-3 circles), then rotating counterclockwise.
  • Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your palms on top. Slowly extend your knees to the side with your hands, providing real resistance to them with your leg muscles.
  • Lie on your back, bend your knees and extend your arms along your body. Lift your pelvis off the floor and hold it there.

Many people claim that strength exercises with iron help them keep their potency at an appropriate level. But this is the best medicine, and its potency increases after "receiving".

in conclusion

Of course, taking medication after age 50 increases the potency in men, but there are safer and more effective ways. Remember, the most important thing is to stay young at heart and then your body will try to match your mood. Don't forget about exercise and proper nutrition (men are harder to follow than women) and try to break bad habits if possible. And, of course, love your woman!